i® 2.0 — Augmented

White Paper

Faith shows! So apart from who we are in Christ internally (i.e. already divine AND immortal by virtue of being grafted to the vine and receiving the sap/Spirit/Word – Jn10:35), which is all that matters to God, our façade or persona (i.e. what we did with our faith) distinguishes us from our Christian brothers and sisters. Of course, a façade by itself is nothing if there is no content–the “beauty of holiness” of the inner man.

Secondly, we are living in a “connection economy” (Seth Godin). So PERSON® is not merely about who a person is from conception, but who he is in connection with, not only physically but also spiritually/wordily/technologically (Jer1:5; Luke1:44; 1Cor7:14; cf. Jn6:63).

To the question, “What would you say is the best thing in the world?” …

For, to be united with the divine is to become more and more divine!

Mission: Rehabilitate the faithful to their genesis perfect/divine state using:

Person® is not an unemploying, enslaving or parasitic “wear” or robot-in-sheep’s-clothing (competition) but an ecosafe design for rehabilitating man to his genesis perfect state, patent pending as Augmented and Extended Persona (US 13/516,443).  With both blue-collar and white-collar jobs being gobbled up by the beast, a severe, sustained, global recession is well underway. “We need to be super careful with AI. Potentially more dangerous than nukes.” Unless the safe Ecosystem™ (Pan-Environment Super Cyborg) against #MachineTyranny, terrorism, and globalization is deployed, mankind is asking for extinction (Omohundro 2013; Wakefield 2016). The Super Cyborg is a result of yoking and reinventing the network-is-the-super-computer and “making it safe” (Deut22:8MSG).

But wear, we must, strength (Isa52:1). Apart from the transhuman experience, wearing PERSON® can also be thought of as “putting on Christ” (Rom13:14) with the system enabling you to do what Jesus would do in a particular situation, even proactively. For, “the one who practices righteousness is righteous, just as He is righteous” (1Jn3:7).

Our plan is to colabor (1Cor3:9) with God and align with His plan of filling us with His fullness (Eph3:19b) by offering a trans-humaniser or persona extender for becoming perfect, over on top of being “complete in Him” (Col2:10), having put on Christ (Rom13:14). Thus rehabilitating man to his original perfect state. It is for those who have already been initiated into divinity and in good standing, availing Engineering Divinity – 101.

It is based on the premise that Adam is a son of God (Luke3:38) and therefore divine. “When God created the human race, he made it godlike, with a nature akin to God.” (Gen5:1b MSG). Apostle Bakht Singh, in the book, “Fullness of God,” says:

“God gave the first man Adam a very strong and healthy body to enable him to have dominion, authority and power over the whole creation (Gen1:26). “

With the fall, however, Adam got cutoff (disconnected) and lost fellowship with God. Thereby he lost divinity, being no longer spiritual, having no access to eat of the tree of life. Along with divinity, Adam also lost dominion, authority, and power, which are needed to care for planet earth.

When we speak of dominion, power and authority, we are not speaking about lording it over others for its own sake. Our patent pending Christocratic New World Order & Government, made possible by Agape TiE® Ecosystem™, lends itself to real servants of God, precluding anyone from lording it over those in bride-space, as per the promise, “I will make you the head and not the tail.”

Enter Christ in the fullness of time, and now divinity is being restored to mankind even as people are being grafted into the vine, receiving the sap/Holy Spirit. Apostle Peter too writes of becoming partakers of divine nature by way of God’s promises, which inspire us to do more goods & services.

But perfection is possible only with “perfection in unity” (Jn17:23; 14:20; 15:1-10; Heb11:39-40). Enter PERSON® & Agape TiE®–an image of God technology–now for perfection.

As we contemplate on what it means to be a Super Cyborg PERSON® using the Super Cyborger invention, we drive home the point that technology is part of the image of Creator God and of who we are in Christ. John Edmiston writes:

God is a highly competent technician. He created wing structures, eyes, chemical factories like the liver, lightning bolts and even nuclear furnaces called stars –long before man was there to advise Him. He even created and designed the human brain – a self-replicating, fuzzy logic, multi-media, self-programming, organic computer. If we are to be in the image of God then we will share His excellence in design, invention and implementation. The notion that technology is alien to spirituality is false. Technology is the expression of spirituality. Technology and spirituality are integrated with each other. Technology is our means of expression of the image of God within us.

The Lamb’s wedding with the Church, His Bride will be naturally supernatural.

dBride.ME™ Super Cyborg (a Wedded Avatar of Christ) is the superset of the invention, which is a corporate entity to enable the Bride to reign with Christ, each member profiled according to holiness in a Totally Integrated Environment® Ecosystem w/ eThrone for a Christocratic New World Order. In comparison, our copycat competitor’s ecosystem is a machine-centric one, where the machine with exclusively economic considerations reigns supreme and controls and subjugates the entire ecosystem, without empathy, values or any other humane consideration. In essence, competition is #MachineTyranny.

In addition to having power, and divinity being holiness (Rom1:3-4), the above trans-human experience is attainable!

Vicar Nicky Gumbel writes in “Become Great in the Order of Holiness:”

Our magazines and TV screens are filled with stories of the rich, the beautiful and the strong. Our culture places these things on a pedestal and many of us aspire to achieve them. There is nothing wrong with these things – but they are not everything. The French philosopher, Blaise Pascal, spoke of three orders of greatness. Riches, beauty and strength fall into his first category of superficial ‘physical greatness’. Above this is a higher, second level of greatness. It is the greatness of genius, science and art. The greatness of the art of Michelangelo or the music of Bach or the brilliance of Albert Einstein – these stand way above superficial physical greatness. However, according to Pascal there is a third kind of greatness – the order of holiness. (And there is an almost infinite qualitative difference between the second and the third categories.) The fact that a holy person is strong or weak, rich or poor, highly intelligent or illiterate, does not add or subtract anything because that person’s greatness is on a different and almost infinitely superior plane. It is open to every one of us to become great in the order of holiness.

But Satan constantly says especially to ADOPTED sons & daughters of God, who may or may not be great in either the first or second plane/level mentioned above: “Are you really the son/daughter of God (divine)?” This is nothing new, as he likewise tempted the Lord Jesus Christ Himself in the wilderness (Matt4:3).

On the other hand, something more subtle is going on. Satan has effectively defeated us when he makes us believe that we have already arrived in righteousness and holiness that which is supposedly imputed to us through the death of Christ. What has been credited to us is the minimum balance (faith of no boasting–Rom4:5; Eph2:8-9) that enabled us to open an account in heaven. We are forgiven and given a clean slate to write on, so to speak. And it is only in Him (abiding–Jn15:1-10) that we ultimately become (future tense; cf. 2Cor5:21) righteous. Meanwhile, Satan is feeding God’s children with the “doctrine of demons” (Calvinism & Lutheranism; 1Tim4:1) saying, “Perfection can never be attained on this side of heaven,” effectively implying, “don’t even try (holiness or righteousness).” And all the while he is singing the lullaby of sin: “once-saved-always-saved (sleep/sin) thou shalt surely not die.” Poison—a lie mixed with truth!

As for our quest for holiness, in our walk of faith (faith-in-action/works/love), we can resist (Acts7:51), grieve (Eph4:29-32), quench (1Thess5:12-22) and even run from the Holy Spirit, the Paraclete, the Helper, who is not “the doer” here. Synergism! Calvinism is intrinsically bad. To show that it is good, you have to quote some obscure scripture, twist it out of shape, quote it out of context, thereby even making God look bad. So away with hyper-grace and sovereignty-thumping that holds God responsible for our wrong-doing! Agape love entails freedom of the will (freewill) with absolutely no control over it except in omnipotence to defeat us as his enemy and relegate us to hell with Satan.

Now, in order to understand how we frail humans can become divine, we need to understand the nature of Christ.

Jesus Christ Himself is divine ONLY by virtue of the indwelling Holy Spirit. Jesus WAS divine/Word at one time (Jn1:1; Micah5:2NASB; Isa53:1). As humanity and divinity are mutually exclusive, He became incarnate, meaning, He emptied Himself (Phil2:6ff NASB) of His divinity and became man–the Word became flesh (Jn1:14). Any divinity attributed to Jesus Christ over on top of what we ourselves enjoy in the form of the indwelling Holy Spirit, disqualifies Jesus from the requirement to be the PERFECT sacrifice AND model (Phil3:3-5 NASB) for you and for me. Jesus did not merely set aside His divine prerogatives like in the illustration of a king going into the streets as a beggar (king-incognito). It is a poor example of what Jesus did for us in becoming man. A better illustration is a man becoming an ant. Jesus, the divine Right Arm of God (Isa53:1; Ps98:1), went down humbling to that extent in His incarnation of becoming a man. In His passion & mission to save us, He “burnt the ships that brought Him” to earth, so to speak. It is either die with mankind in our fight with the devil, or ensure victory with we ourselves getting the empowerment (the raison d’être for the Wedded Avatar of Christ) to slay the devil and his entourage, while saving as many as we can!

Eternal life for us and those in Christ, who in-turn is in us, is a colaborment with Him!

Agape TiE® is Saints — Past, Present & Future — in one!
